Getting it into Perspective…from mine to His!

Posts tagged ‘difficulties’

Discouraged or Finishing Well?

BB1162-002“I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” Thomas Edison

Can you relate to Edison? Not everything we begin ends well. Perhaps it’s a job that just didn’t quite meet your expectations, or perhaps you didn’t quite meet theirs. Sometimes we begin something in order to meet practical needs, such as paying bills. Other times it fills an emotional need within us, but ultimately it doesn’t really satisfy.

Jacob, in Genesis, had some difficult experiences. He began as a deceiver for a birthright and had to leave familiar territory in order to save his life from a disgruntled brother. He was then deceived by a future father-in-law when the wife he had worked for was replaced by her less attractive sister. Sometimes it takes looking at our own sin, in the face of another, to understand the destructive power we wield when we deceive. We are one of the blessed ones if we wake up and realize we are flawed! Jacob does and makes some changes, because God has graced him. Jacob wrestled with God until He received a blessing that changed not only his name from Jacob to Israel, but changed him from within. Have you also wrestled with God over something?

Yet, when we have operated in one way for most of our life, regardless of our own change, those around us may still be living out the effects of all the years before. Jacob’s sons, jealous of a younger brother, Joseph, deceive their father about his demise, selling him into Egypt. They were paying attention to all the lessons of deception and had learned very well.

But God had a plan, which had been working in all these details and circumstances in order to bring about His perfect purpose. Joseph, in Egypt, was being blessed also. He’d been put in Potiphar’s house, and made second in command there, and later through some dreams became second in power next to Pharaoh. When a famine came to the land of Canaan, where Jacob was, he sent his sons to get food from Pharaoh. God had placed just the right young man in charge of food—Joseph!

Through God’s plan, Jacob’s family was not only restored, but saved from the famine—because Joseph was placed in the palace, where he was able to feed his family and bring the people of Israel through a difficult time. Jacob and Joseph were reunited and the brothers were forgiven and restored—and God used the faith of Jacob and Joseph to save the nation of Israel. Yes, He used even the flaws, failures, and poor choices of the brothers to bring about His good for His glory.

Joseph’s words to his brothers show us how to look at our difficult circumstances, no matter how they have come about. Joseph said, “What you intended for harm, God intended for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20, NIV). What perspective Joseph received! Not only did Joseph save his own family, but because of God, he was able to protect the line of Jesus in this way, saving many, many more—us! Jacob and Joseph trusted God to keep His word. They finished well, indeed.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20

What is happening in your life right now that God has intended for good, to accomplish His purpose in you? Rather than becoming exasperated by your situation, why not consider the words of Joseph. It really isn’t all about the people around you, or the difficult circumstances; what is God doing to work change in you? Or in someone else around you? Or to provide just the perfect provision? Let’s ask God to give us His perspective, to open our eyes to His bigger plan … after all, you may be a Joseph!

Reflect and Respond

1. If you can relate to Joseph’s story, what does God want to teach you in your situation? If you don’t know, ask Him.

2. Is there a particular “flaw” of yours that others may be “imitating” in your house? Ask God to help you change that.

3. Where did Joseph get his wise perspective? If you want to be wise, spend time with God in His Word.

4. Who needs to hear you say “What you intended for harm, God intended for good”? Forgiveness begins with us!

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