Getting it into Perspective…from mine to His!

Posts tagged ‘oars’

The Rafting Adventure

By Pamela Stephens

How did I get myself into this? This isn’t what I would do on a weekend away. Again, I had allowed myself to be talked into, coerced into doing something I really was afraid to do. I know in my head I heard the familiar “face your fears” mantra those who have no fear– proclaim. And I gave in, said yes in a weak moment. So, here we were ready to climb into a rubber raft with paddles and a “bailing bucket.” If it was so safe, why then did I need such a thing? Did I mention that I don’t swim? Dog paddling is too generous for what I do in a pool!

There were five or six other rafts, also filled with eight middle school youngsters, one guide and a couple of adult sponsors. We donned our life jackets, (really non-essential I was told—nothing will happen!) and found our places in this flimsy, motor less craft. Chickens to the front, ah I mean, adults to the front! That was definitely me, and my much more adventurous husband! We listened as our guide (a woman, I think, though I wasn’t certain) who spoke like a prison guard, told us what NOT to do and what we MUST do: everyone must paddle—no slackers! Everyone must do as she told us: paddles up, paddles in, paddles out, forward paddle, back paddle (I liked this one and planned to use it often). We set out, following our “leader” in the first raft, hoping he knew the way ahead; what choice did we have?

Actually, the first day (yes, there was more than one!) was pretty nice: warm weather, splashes of refreshing spray, great meals cooked by our hosts, the Adventure Connection (I wasn’t really looking for adventure). My husband had been right, this wasn’t that bad,  I had to admit. Day two began calmly enough; we met for prayer and listened to our guide’s further directions. Today, she says, we would continue down river and it will be a little more technical—great! We will really need to listen because we would come to a drop of about five feet, (a WHAT?) negotiated between two very large rocks where only one raft will fit at a time; its name was “Satan’s Cesspool.” This might not be good, I remember thinking. I looked toward my husband, and seeing the terror in my eyes, he said, “Don’t worry, I will save you, trust me!” I’d heard that before, but I don’t remember enjoying it. I wasn’t reassured! Oh, yes our guide had said, when we get to “Satan’s Cesspool,” remember to keep smiling! We will have company; four wheelers and campers like to gather there and watch the rafters come through. There will even be a local photographer taking photos, so SMILE! Terrific and we will be the Sunday afternoon entertainment?  Lovely!

Reluctantly, when my turn came, I boarded the life boat, I mean raft! We wound our way down river and at the final rapids of the day, our guide called out, “This is it! Satan’s Cesspool!” This is it, all right I remember thinking. I knew something was amiss because I heard sounds of loud, rushing water. I tried to steady myself as I watched the first raft head for the narrow space between the two rocks, trying to place it just right. Unfortunately for us all, they missed! When you are in a wet rubber boat, and you hit a large rock that is very hot, it’s quite similar to “seal a meal.” The wet raft wraps around the hot rock and glues itself to it. The passengers all bailed out, clambering for the safety and stability of the rock. There was no amount of back paddling (which we were all doing now) that would keep us out of harm’s way, and now there was half of the first raft filling the passageway. The current continued to bring us directly into the back of the first boat. We slammed into it, knocking my husband and me onto our backsides, feet in the air. “High side, high side!!” our guide shouted. We tried to get up, but by then I could hear what no non-swimmer wants to hear in their ears (gurgle, gurgle); I was going under and the front of the raft was coming up over my head. I remember pushing it off, and the next thing I knew, and was headed down stream; we all had gone down the “drop” without a boat! We were told if ever we are out of the raft, in the river, to lie flat with our feet pointed down river. Never had I planned to be “out of the raft,” but never-the-less, I was! Quickly, I rearranged myself, so as not to hit “bottom” on any protruding rocks. I looked around for the man who had said, “Don’t worry, I will save you. Trust me!” I spotted someone a little further on. Ah yes, that appears to be him, now, floating quickly down river ahead of me– So much for that! We were in the very middle of the river, with outcroppings of rocks near the shore, and sure enough, there were four-by-four trucks parked with lots of people cheering us on and yelling. SMILE, she had said, but I wanted to cry!

Right in my path straight ahead of me, a kayak with one man in it, offered me the oar. “Grab hold, I’ll toss you toward shore!” Grab, I did! Because I had my lifejacket firmly attached, I dog-paddled to the closest outcropping of rocks where my husband and many of our “group” were hanging on. We were all safe! But there are some morals to this true story: 1) Beware of anyone who says they will save you—it’s every man or woman for themselves! 2) Be sure the one you are following knows the way and can lead you there safely! 3) Never trust anyone who puts a lifejacket on you, hands you a bucket for bailing, and sends you off to a place called “Satan’s Cesspool.”

Here’s a bit of vital spiritual information:
1) Jesus alone saves; we may be the instruments He uses along the way, but it is He who saves souls; “There is no other name under heaven, by which we must be saved—Jesus” (Act 4:12)

 2) In our spiritual journey, we need to be careful that those we are traveling with know The Way, and are following Christ; “His sheep hear His voice and follow Him.”  John 10: 27-28; “Follow my example as I follow Christ. “ I Cor. 11:1

3) While we are here on this earth, we come upon places and people that aren’t wearing signs that say “Satan’s Cesspool”, but they aren’t safe and don’t want the best for us.  Be sure you are putting on the whole armor of God, so having done everything, you will stand! (Eph. 5:13)

“We must pay careful attention therefore to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away!” Hebrews 2:1

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